Well, it didn't really happen so well. I did get the orders out for my son's class last week, those were due this week, but I never caught up with his teacher to pick up the orders so that I can get them entered. I guess that will have to wait until Tuesday now, since the kids are off school until then.
I was also supposed to get the orders for my daughter's class ready to send home, but that didn't get accomplished either. Now that order will be postponed a week as well.
I don't even have the fliers for the preschool class yet and that class only meets once a week. I will now be spending the weekend getting orders ready and trying to contact teachers to get the information that I need to get the orders placed. Isn't this fun?
On top of that, our school is starting a new transportation plan when we return on Tuesday b/c our last levy failed and we have now lost busing for many of the students. I really want to be in the building to help with the transition (this is the addiction part), but my daughter has a dentist appointment scheduled for that morning. I am so tempted to reschedule the appointment, except that this would be the second time I rescheduled it, so really feeling like I need to let go of the addiction at this point. So hard to do, really want to help the transition, but I guess the girl's teeth are pretty important.
I guess I could have spent this time working on the book orders instead of blogging about it (can you see another addiction in the works?), but what fun would that have been?
Okay off to trade one addiction for another. Have a good one all!
Diversified Devotee
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